This is follow up on my previous post on Black Holes.
A thought on the expanding universe theory as opposed to bounce theory (where gravity will in theory pull matter back towards a center): Expansion seems logical in that matter, being dissimilar from space, is an “unwelcome” intrusion. Space will have a tendency to make matter less intrusive, it will dissipate it in a uniform way (entropy).
My thought is that space is a process of convection and dissipation. Big bangs (there are probably infinite big bangs) are caused by an inherent instability in the space/matter relationship. It’s a fissure of sorts where energy and thus matter is released to either dissipate endlessly or to return to the more stable state of say black holes, which “clean up” the intrusion of matter.
In this model, Space would have a surface tension. When matter gets massive enough it pops through that surface tension toward stability. This will happen where matter accumulates enough but not everywhere. Space will probably always have remnants of our universe’s (and possibly the universes created by “other” Big Bangs) detritus in it, like dust floating on water because it didn’t go down with the “ship”.
A cosmic convection of space and matter. I thought of this dissipation and expansion after laying on a dock over a glass calm lake. I spit and watched it fall perfectly into the water, disappear, then pop back up and expand in every direction, faster and faster (the bubbles in the saliva created the perfect marker for this expansion). My spit and the water were different enough and the water dealt with it by dissipating it. It was the easiest and most natural way for them to exists together. I think matter is doing the same thing. Faster and faster in every direction except for where it builds up enough and it re-assimilates into space.